Monday, June 21, 2010

How do you remove super glue? Nail polish remover or windex or something potent yet a household item.?

I decided to be crafty and glue beads to my sandles and make them pretty but i guess super glue didnt do the trick. The beads were falling off during school. I picked all them off my sandle and now i have the residue left on it and you can see it.How do you remove super glue? Nail polish remover or windex or something potent yet a household item.?
Its for you skin but it should work on you shoes

Things You鈥檒l Need:

Nail-polish remover


Acetone-based nail-polish remover

Warm water

Shallow bowl

Step1Do not attempt to tear or force apart the glue. This could rip your skin.

Step2Apply acetone-based nail-polish remover to the area. The acetone breaks down the bond.

Step3If there's a lot of glue on your skin, soak the skin in nail-polish remover to dissolve the bond.

Step4Clean the area with soap and water after removing the glue.

Step5If you don't have nail-polish remover, soak the affected skin in warm, soapy water.

Step6Slowly roll the skin to work the bond apart as the warm water soaks through. Continue doing this until the skin is free of glue.How do you remove super glue? Nail polish remover or windex or something potent yet a household item.?
Acetone nail polish remover will work, but I'm afraid anything that will remove glue might very well destroy your sandals.
There is actually a product called super glue remover. You could also try paint thinner but it can be harsh on skin.
any kind of strong alcohol,,,even strong vodka.

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