Monday, November 30, 2009

How do I get nail polish out of khackis and a comfortor?

I got pink nail polish on my comforter and my khacki capris. Is there any way it will come off?How do I get nail polish out of khackis and a comfortor?
Take a white wash cloth and dampen the edge with water, then dab it in non acetone nail polish remover...rub this gently on the khaki capris...there is a chance that it could discolor them lightly but it will be better than pink nail polish and is virtually unnoticeable...I've done this a couple times. The comforter however will be a little more diffiicult depending on what color it is and how big of a spot you got on it! If it's a light color, treat it the same was as the khaki's. If it's a dark or bright color, mix a little powder laundry detergent (that has color safe bleach in it) with a little bit of water...making a paste and rub it on the spot and just use your fingernail or a soft bristle toothbrush to gently rub the polish off. Then wash completely!

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