Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do I get nail polish out of my suede couch?

I had a kleenex covering the armrest, a small drop spilled on it and I thought it was fine. But then it dried and clear nail polish and little bits from the kleenex stuck to my couch. I know not to use nail polish remover. Please help!How do I get nail polish out of my suede couch?
Scissors!How do I get nail polish out of my suede couch?
I really dont think anything will get it out other than taking it to an furntiure cleaning place.
Don't use acetone, It will melt the suede together. It will be much worse.
sorry , buti dont think u willbe able get it off
Use acetone. Works wonders.
I would take a very stiff suede brush or even a metal brush and go WITH the nap of the suede (when you run your hand across the suede it will lay smooth) and see if you can brush it off. Be sure to use VERY firm strokes. If this doesn't work, go against the nap once and then go back over over the same spot twice with the nap. Just repeat over and over again. Oh, make sure that the brush is extremely clean. Don't just grab any old household brush. I have had to do this once after my wife dropped her red nail-polish brush on a lime green suede sofa... on the deeper bits I actually performed micro-surgery with tweezers and mustache scissors and I nipped the individual fibers out! What fun!
I like the ice cube trik but you can file it down too with a nail file. I use this on sued shoes and jackets to get out spots and it works great.
hot water to get the kleenex off but you'll have to live with the polish. be grateful it wasn't red!
Ice! Freeze it and just scratch it off!Then lightly brush the rest off with a toothbrush. ';Re-freeze'; if you're not quick enough, soak up the wet spot. It will dry quicker. You won't notice it!
acetone is nail polish remover.
acetone (an ingredient in nail polish remover) and Greased lightning will probably bleach your couch. I wouldn't use them on your couch in a noticeable spot. I'd call in the pros. an upholsterer maybe able to replace the covering on the arm. (or make those little arm coverings to match)

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